County Manager duties, authority defined
The Grand County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) passed a resolution defining the duties and authority of County Manager Lee Staab during their Tuesday, October 11 meeting The authority given to the County Manager was granted with respect to employees appointed to various positions, departments, and offices. The organizational chart was approved last week during their Oct. 4 meeting.
The resolution states that the BOCC delegates to the County Manager the authority over the director, supervisor, or position including airport operations, assistant county manager, community development, county CSU extension services, fairgrounds, finance, human resources, information systems, juvenile services, maintenance, and water quality.
The resolution gives the County Manager hiring and firing authority over the positions stated.
The resolution states that the County Manager may appoint competent employees to each of these positions and have the power to dismiss, suspend and discipline all such appointees. The County Manager shall also have the power to authorize the department head to appoint and remove subordinates serving under the department head, according to the resolution.
According to the resolution, the County Manager may designate himself or some other officer or employee to perform the duties of any office or position under County Manager control which is vacant or requires administration due to the absence or disability of the incumbent, and is authorized to set aside any action taken by a department head and may supersede the department head and the functions of that office.
The resolution also states that the County Manager shall be responsible for the coordination of the administrative heads of each function identified above, and for the review and analysis of the operation and administration thereof.
Organizational chart
The chart depicts elected officials, appointed officials, and manager functioning positions, and shows the hierarchy of where authority lies throughout the county. Also outlined on the chart are the areas where Assistant County Manager Ed Moyer’s focus will be directed.
Assistant County Manager Moyer’s focus includes County Extension, Road and Bridge, Maintenance, Water Quality, Fairgrounds, Airport Operations, and the Tabernash Sewer. County Manager Staab will have direct supervisor authority over the areas.
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