‘It’s interesting how everyone lost’: Inside Heemeyer’s ‘manifesto’

By Sky-Hi News

(Originally published June 10, 2004 in the Sky-Hi News)

In addition to the path of destruction that Marvin Heemeyer left behind after the rampage, he also left behind hand-written notes listing his “targets” and venting words of his anger.

On Tuesday, the Grand County Sheriff’s Office released these notes to the press. The notes were found at his Grand Lake residence and in the storage plant in Granby where he constructed his armor-plated “tank” of a D9 bulldozer. The list of “targets,” which was found in his home, had the following names of individuals: Randy Schmuck, Casey Harrell, Thompson brothers, Doucette and Peta, Bud Wilson, Docheff “little,” Docheff “other,” Wang, Hale and Pat Brower. The list of businesses and government “targets” included: concrete plant, Mountain Parks Electric, “main street,” “public buildings,” Thompson’s and the Catholic church.

Not all of the names on the “targets” list have been released.

Sheriff’s investigators also found some sheets of what some have described as a “manifesto” in the metal workshop where the “tank” was built. Heemeyer had handwritten these notes and had drawn dividing lines between each one of the following statements:

  • Had Cody just one time come to me with a counter offer, I would not have to be so unreasonable.
  • At my auction in 2002 my minimum bid was $450,000, 10 percent of which would have gone to the auctioneer. Had someone bid the $450,000, I would have walked away.
  • I netted $400,000 either way, at auction or, by selling it myself.
  • It’s interesting how the dozer was the only thing that did not sell at my auction. It was not until later I discovered it would just fit in the storage building.
  • It’s interesting how I had until June of 2004 to complete the dozer.
  • It’s interesting how a self-made single man who died at age 52 was sent to buy the property in ‘92.
  • It’s interesting to know that I did not buy the property for my self, but for John Kliener Bill’s brother.
  • It’s interesting how he backed out of the deal.
  • It’s interesting how I got stuck here, as I only wanted to take a six month vacation from ‘Nov. ‘91 – May ‘92.
  • It’s interesting how I got Boulder muffler back in 1996, and leased it out again only after someone came to me voluntarily.
  • It’s interesting how sales tax have not jumped significantly since the start of the plan.
  • It’s interesting how Bab, Travis, and the ins. guy did not suspect anything when they inspected the storage building in the fall of 2003. Especially with the 2,000 lb lift fully exposed. Somehow their vision was clouded.
  • It’s interesting how I never got caught. This was a part-time project over a one and one-half year time period.
  • It’s interesting how a town atty. (Krob), Doucheff’s atty. (Daily), the planning commission, the town board, Doucheff with all of his years of planning, and all his friends, “accidentally” screwed up the PDO process (see judge’s ruling, spring of ‘02) and another (objective?) atty found out after just one of my visits to his office.
  • It’s interesting how he milked me for over $51,000.
  • It’s interesting how Ben McCleand has never charged me for representing me on the septic tank issue.
  • It’s interesting how everyone lost.
  • One thing the community should also learn: don’t let inbred, window peeking perverts and bankrupt suicidals run everything.
  • Now do you have the courage to stand up.
  • It’s interesting how Dick Thompson died shortly after PDO approval.
  • It’s interesting how Ron Thompson died prematurely shortly after PDO approval.
  • It’s interesting how the Doucheff girl died prematurely shortly after PDO approval.
  • It’s interesting how Marv Heemeyer died prematurely shortly after PDO approval.
  • Is he the last to die prematurely?
  • You Granby have got to learn to listen.
  • Can you hear me now?

Grand County Undersheriff Glen Trainor said that the investigators are surprised that Heemeyer apparently did not leave any other written statements or mail any letters to individuals to explain the reasons behind his actions. If someone has such documents, they are asked to contact the Sheriff’s Department.

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