Kremmling shooting victim is alive and receiving care

Child custody petition filed 2 days before shooting

The victim who was shot in the abdomen in a shooting incident that happened in Kremmling on May 31 is alive and receiving medical care, according to authorities. The female victim was transported to Middle Park Health in Kremmling and was later flown by helicopter to another hospital in the Denver area.

The victim is a 47-year-old woman, according to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.

According to reports received by Grand County dispatch, the incident involved a male who shot himself and a woman in the front yard of a residence in Kremmling. When officials arrived, they found a deceased man with a gunshot wound to the head and a woman with gunshot wounds in her abdomen, according to a press release from the Kremmling Police Department.

The Grand County Coroner’s office identified the deceased man as David Cunningham, age 60.

The shooting occurred just days after a petition for parental responsibilities was filed May 29 by the victim. According to the petition, they had an 8-year-old child together. The victim wrote that having parental responsibilities would be in their child’s best interest because it would provide “continued stability from both parents” even though the two were “not together.”

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation is actively investigating this incident, and the Grand County Coroner’s Office has not yet released Cunningham’s autopsy results, pending completion.

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to remove the name of the victim.

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