History Corner: Trains are a pivotal part of Grand County history

Grand County Historical Association/Courtesy photo
For almost 120 years, trains have played a pivotal role in the history and development of Grand County.
This circa 1905-1911 photograph of the Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Railroad train being met in Granby by the Tovey stage line (which served Grand Lake) and an early touring automobile shows the connection of our early rail service to the surrounding communities.
The town of Granby came into being because of the railroad. The new town was named in honor of the railroad attorney, Granby Hillyer. Today, Amtrak, the national passenger rail system provides daily service with the California Zephyr.

Penny Rafferty Hamilton, Ph.D., is the author of “Images of America: Grand County.” Contact her at drpenny1@earthlink.net.

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