Letter to the editor: Candidates should focus dialogue on issues

I attended the candidate forum at Middle Park High School on Oct. 2. The students did a nice job of providing the venue and the program for us. And our commissioner candidates did a good job of articulating where they stand on issues. I commend all the candidates for their commitment to our wonderful and welcoming county.  

However, while our county candidates have always been friendly and open, in my opinion, the man who is running for state representative changed that wonderful dynamic for those of us who call Grand County home, which we have not seen before. I felt like he basically took the position that all problems in the county and the state (and nationally too) are the result of Democrats.  

I take exception to his politics which seems more personal than policies based. When asked why he is the best person for the job his focused denigration of Julie McCluskie really disappointed me.  

I hope that our local Republicans, and frankly all of us, will focus our important dialogue on issues important to our residents rather than personal attacks. We are better when we are open to a range of solutions to our county’s challenges.

John Riedel
Chair, Grand County Democrats

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